Monday 10 November 2008

Researching the Colossal Squid and other krakens

Found an article recently stating that the eye diameter of the colossal squid's eyes "are as big as dinner plates" - 40cm on a live specimen.

As one of my three creatures is definitely going to be a squid/deep sea creature of some sort, this is pretty important - the stereotype of deep sea creatures is that they don't need eyes in a near-pitch black environment, but this is obviously wrong. As such my creatures gonna need massive eyeballs.

Interestingly, a lot of the websites I've read say that squid as a species are very aggressive and wrestle with Sperm whales. This is what might have given rise to the Kraken legend as colossal/giant squid are more likely to have surfaced in eyeshot of humans rather than an octopus or anything else. I really don't know about them attacking ships though.

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