Saturday 22 November 2008

Just some pretty snake pictures

Thought I'd post some visual research I've been up to. People assume it's easy to get images off Google Image Search or something, but in reality you really have to look. You also have to source it and all that crap. This is some of the snake work I've been up to.

Green Anaconda, the heaviest snake in the world (some argue the overall biggest) next to the Reticulated Python. It lives in the Amazon and swamps/jungles of South America and so needs adequate camoflage (although it has few natural predators). Again something I need to look at when designing my None Walker - she'll be swamp/tropics based so maybe I'll go for a similar look? I also want to give her some head crests of some kind.

Anyone remember Anaconda? I remember watching that.....and laughing at it. Still, the animatronic snake in question did win quite an award and I do remember it being a little scary (stalking them through the Amazon and eating them). I found a few storyboarding pieces and the one above shows the final scene in the film (Jon Voight uses Jennifer Lopez and that guy (?) for bait to lure the anaconda). It's a huge creature but obviously not that big in real life.

This is a really good picture of a real anaconda as you can clearly see its distinctive marking s and the snout with the eyes clearly on the top of the head. The fact that snakes can climb almost anywhere still amazes me, having no limbs and all. This something I want the player to be able to do in Abeo... - climb over branches, under tree trunks, just generally slink about like snakes do. Being anaconda-based, you'll obviously be able to swim underwater as well.

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