Monday 10 November 2008

Level 70 Aerodactyl in yo' face YEA!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty proud of my Aerodactyl ^^ I named her Ayla ( a cookie to anyone who get's the reference).

Which leads me nicely into my Thunderbird research - some more digging around shows that some people think aforementioned bird is actually some sort of Pterosaur. Not actually "flying dinosaurs" as people incorrectly see them, but a completely different species. The only recorded creatures that had a wingspan of 20ft and beyond are the pterosaurs from 65 million years ago - could some have survived? But the scale of these things blows me away - they're truly awe inspiring. Check out Hatzegopteryx.

I mean, what the hell? That's mental. I'm wondering whether to make my Flyer (WIP title) that big or not. Concerning stealth, I suppose it could just fly higher in the sky to avoid detection or have Chameleon skin. Interesting how the artist has chosen to depict it as furry/feathery rather than the traditional scaled skin.

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