Wednesday, 27 May 2009 poor, poor aching joints >.<

I have no idea how it was done, but I've done the back of my neck and left shoulder in royally. Porogress has been slow the past few days, but it's also been steady.

Coloured ye olde Swimmer and F Walker. I'm doing this poster quite systematically, so there is a reason the Swimmer's eyes aren't coloured etc. I'm having a tutorial with Nigel tomorrow so I can get some tips on how to make things look wet etc tongues and skin. I might do some more tonight if my shoulder will allow it.

I've been playing Dragon Warrior/Quest VII as of late on PSP. It's (so far) soooo much better than DQVIII in terms of story and character. The first island you go to (you're a fisherman's son) has probably the saddest monster story ever. Seriously, I had a lump in my throat T_T

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